OSTA March 2019 Meeting Minutes

Call to order

A meeting of Ohio State Taekwondo Association was held at 1349 Brice Road, Reynoldsburg, Ohio on March 23, 2019. Called to order at 3:20 PM, EDT.


Attendees included Supreme Grandmaster Joon P. Choi, Geoff Colley, GM Roy Bushman, Master Jong Woon Kim, Amanda Potter, Master Kathy Rhinehart, Master Larry Sanford, Master Bob Perry, Master Chung Keun Lee, Abbie Taylor, Master Justin Taylor, Master Scott Schwab, Master Sara Schwab, Master Robert Gross, and Joanna Smyser.

Members not in attendance

Members not in attendance included Master Cathy Fitch, Grandmaster James Cahn, Master Andy Choi, Matthew Klein, Master Jin Sung Pae, Master Debbie Plasterer, and Anja McNeish.

Opening Actions

Roll call

Announcement that letters of intent had been received


Registration for the 2019 State Tournament is available on Hangastar

  • Report on tax records submitted
  • Report on referee training submitted
  • Tournament weigh-in locations announced

New business

Motion by SGM Choi seconded by Robert Gross

Pay $100 per doctor for doctors serving at the state tournament

Motion passed


Motion by Geoff Colley seconded by Supreme Grandmaster Choi

Form a committee to discuss finding for payment of volunteers and machine operators

Motion passed

Motion by SGM Choi seconded by Robert Gross

Incoming elected officers will establish study committees to evaluate ongoing matters 30 days before the next scheduled meeting.

Motion passed

Motion by SGM Choi seconded by Bob Perry

Present all candidates for OSTA officers as a single slate for purposes of a vote. Their terms of office to start on April 1st.

Motion passed

Election of officers confirmed

Motion by Supreme Grandmaster Choi seconded by Robert Gross

Have the next association meeting be scheduled for April 27th at the state tournament location at a time to be determined

Motion passed


There is a subcommittee to be formed to investigate holding joint referee training seminars with adjoining states such as Kentucky, Indiana, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

Master Bushman announced that the OSTA now has a 501(c)3 EIN number assigned by the IRS. He still needs a form 990. The target deadline for resolving all issues as a non-profit is April 17th.

Current Elections:

  • For a club to be represented, it must have at least 35 members a per OSTA bylaws.
  • Proposed athlete representations: Ashton Gingerich with Christine Lee as alternate. The athlete representatives will meet and elect their members.

Meeting adjourned at 4:29 PM EDT



Date of approval


March 23rd Meeting Minutes